Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Adorabru stuff

I've uploaded some images of the things were trying to have ready for Youmacon 2014.  The tail is progressing well.  The code to move the tail is as done as it can be until we have the tail made.  Depending on the price we can get the parts down to will depend on the whether it makes it to the booth or not.  What we do have are a variety of different character scarves to include some pokemon (Eevee, Umbreon, Glaceon, Jolteon, and Zigzagoon), Nepita cat, and leopard.  Featured for the character hats is my favorite the bunny hat.  We are also hoping to have some fur hats to include some pony hats.  Last but not least we will have some plushie key chains.  More pictures will come as more scarves, hats, and fur hats are made.

If you have a request or you want more information feel free to E-mail us at

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